Buying Tickets




    Find your favorite events, at a favored price. Free from scalpers, price gouging, and ticket cloning.

    Protect Yourself From High Prices

    You should enjoy your event without breaking the bank

    Be A Part of a Community of Fans

    See which friends are going to the same events as you

    Group Purchases Have Never Been Easier

    The days of one person paying for the whole group are over

    Rest Assured, Your Ticket Is Really Yours

    We understand the importance of your ticket and we want to make sure that you are the only one who can access it. With our secure ticketing system, you can rest assured that your ticket is really yours.

    Our service leverages the power of blockchain technology to ensure that your ticket is secure and cannot be duplicated or stolen. Dont worry about the hassle of nfts and cryptocurrency, we have got you covered.

    Are You A Performer Or Organization?

    Ready to grow your live presence?

    Apply here to get started hosting your event

    Our easy onboarding process with help you become a part of our community. Whether it's from a concert to a conference, we're here to help you host event.


    Have Questions?

    If you have any questions, we are here to help. Hit the button below to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


    Aventix is currently under development. Any event participating in the Aventix Pilot Program may experience bugs. Please report bugs on our contact page. Thank You!

    For Attendees

    Copyright © 2024 Aventix. All Rights Reserved.